The Divine Plan of the Ages Chapter 6 Questions
1. Our Lord intended for his
disciples to understand that he
would come again. List some of the
ideas that Christians have
concerning the return of our Lord.
Also list the reasons why these
ideas are not in harmony with the
scriptures. (p. 89,90,91)
2. What view does the scriptures
support concerning our Lord's return
and what is the great work of Christ
and his church at the time of his
return? (p. 91, par. 1)
3. Name one of the texts relied upon
by those who claim that the Lord
will not come until after the
Millennium. Explain why this text
does not support their claim. (p.
91, par. 2)
4. What is the main object of the
Gospel Age? What other scripture is
used by post-millennialists to
support their view? What is the
proper understanding of this verse?
(p. 92, par. 1,2)
5. List the purpose of both the
first and second advent. Explain how
the restoration and blessing of the
world could have taken place
following the first advent. (p. 93,
par. 1,2)
6. What is the object of the long
period of time between the first and
second advent? When would the first
advent have occurred if God did not
plan the selection of the Church?
(p. 94, par. 1,2) (Luke 12:32; Rom.
7. Is God attempting to convert the
world now? Explain your answer in
harmony with the scriptures. (Acts
3:19-21; Rev. 11:8; Mat. 24:24; Isa.
55:11; Gen. 28:14; Gal. 3:16,29) (p.
94, par. 3; p. 95, par. 1,2)
8. Define both election and free
grace. Explain when these two
doctrines are applicable (i.e. past.
present and future) (2 Pet. 1:10:
Acts 15:14-18; 1 Tim. 2:4-6; Rev.
22:17; Acts 3:19-21) (page 96)
9. How was the doctrine of election
illustrated by God's dealing with
Abraham and the nation of Israel?
How has election operated during the
Gospel Age? (Gal. 3:29; Amos 3:2;
Mat. 10:5; Eph. 1:4; Acts 15:14-18)
(page 97)
10. What is the mission of the
Church during this age (Gospel Age)?
What is her mission in the future?
(p. 98, par. 1,2)
11. Do the scriptures hold forth any
hope of Millennial blessings for
those who are in their graves? (p.
99, par 1)
12. How many estimated billions have
lived on the earth since Adam's
creation? What is the fate of the
majority of these who have died
without faith? How do Atheists,
Calvinists and Armenians reply? (p.
99, par. 2,3; p. 100, par. 1)
13. Which view is held by the
majority of Christians? What do the
scriptures say? Can one be saved by
ignorance? What is the only door of
hope for the condemned race? (p.
100, par. 2; p. 101)
14. What is the belief of many
Christians with respect to the
salvation of ignorant children and
heathen? Do they act in accordance
with their professed belief? (p.
102, par. 1,2)
15. What is the only door of hope
through which the condemned race may
enter into eternal life? What
scriptural assurance do we have that
the present condition of the dead is
not their full reward? (p. 102, par.
3; p. 103, par. 1,2)
16. Will any be lost from a lack of
knowledge? What texts prove that
Christ's sacrifice will be
efficacious for every man? (p. 103,
par. 3; p. 104)
17. Does death end all probation?
Since God is love, what is the
reasonable, beautiful and scriptural
plan of God for the salvation of the
world? (1 Tim. 2:4-6; 1 Cor. 15:22,
45) (p. 105, 106, par. 1)
18. How many salvations do we see in
God's plan? What scriptures can you
use to support this truth? (p. 106,
par. 2; p. 107, par. 1,2)
19. What must be removed before the
Gospel becomes Good News to all
people? When will this be removed?
Cite scriptures to support these
truths. (p. 107, par. 3; p. 108, p.
109, par. 1)
20. Will there be other nations
besides Israel who will receive
future blessings? And if these
nations have not received full
opportunity for salvation in the
past, what does future restoration
to them imply? (p. 109, par. 2,3; p.
110, par. 1,2)
21. How can we understand the
dealings of a God of love with those
nations which he commanded Israel to
"destroy utterly" (Ezek. 16:48-63)?
22. What is meant by the captivity
of Sodom and Samaria and Israel
(Ezek. 16)? What must a "return to
their former estate" signify? How do
we know that the Lord is not
speaking ironically to Israel in
this prophecy as some contend? (p.
112, par. 2,3)
23. What is the Apostle Paul's
corroborative testimony on this
matter (Rom. 11:26-29)? What mistake
concerning God's Plan and promises
has been made by both Jews and
Christians? (p. 113, par. 2,3)
24. Have the doctrines of Calvinism
and Armenianism distorted the truth?
List the commendable features of
Calvinism and two essential
qualities that are lacking. (p. 114)
25. What does Armenianism teach?
What must be the natural effect of
this view concerning the divine
character? (p. 115; p. 116, par. 1)
26. Seeing that so many of the
glorious features of God's plan for
man's salvation lie in the future,
what should be the attitude of every
true Christian? (p. 116, par. 3)