The Divine Plan of the Ages Chapter 11 Questions 

1. Describe the "broad road." Who is on it? What does it lead to? How long has it been traveled and can one escape the broad road? (pages 205-207)


2. Describe the "narrow way" and what it leads to. (page 207)


3. Who is the fountain of life and what proceeds from the divine immortal fountain? (pages 207-208)


4. What is one of the strongest proofs that man is not immortal? (page 209)


5. What was the result of man's sin and why was he removed from the paradise in which he was placed? (pages 209,210)


6. What will happen to all who have gone down into their graves, and why? (page 210)


7. Who originally possessed immortality and who during the Gospel Age has been invited to receive the divine nature? (pages 210,211)


8. What is the only way to life now opened and what way do the masses of mankind prefer? (pages 211,212)


9. Why might the "narrow way that leads unto life" be called a way of death? (page 212)


10. Is it possible for one who has been begotten of the spirit to die? Please explain. (page 213)


11. Describe the experiences of those who try to walk a middle road and what their reward will be. (pages 213, 214)


12. Why is this narrow way so steep and rugged and how only can we successfully complete the course? (pages 214, 215)


13. What way will be opened in the next age? What will it lead to and how is it different from the narrow way? (pages 215, 216)


14. Since Jesus died a ransom for all and desires all to come to a knowledge of the truth, why didn't he at once open up the highway for all? (pages 216,217)


15. What are the "lions," "ravenous beasts," and "stumbling stones" that will be removed from the highway? (pages 217,218)


16. When and how were the three ways opened and to what do they lead? (page 218)

